Barclay Town Meeting – September 18th 2019

Posted on Sep 18, 2019 in 2019, Meetings Agendas Events, Town Meetings

Barclay Town Meeting – September 18th 2019

Sep 18, 2019 | 2019, Meetings Agendas Events, Town Meetings


September 18th Town Meeting Recap (minutes)

Barclay Commission President Clough called the Public Hearing to order at: 7:00pm.

We recited the Pledge of Allegiance and President Clough announced we would follow Roberts Rules of Order.

Town Attorney Patrick Thomas attended the meeting on behalf of the Town of Barclay and Mr. DeMoss’s Attorney, Patrick Thompson attended the meeting on his behalf.

DeMoss Annexation Resolution 19-01- The Annexation Resolution was introduced on June 19, 2019 during a regular meeting of the Commission and proposes and recommends that the boundaries of the Town of Barclay (the “Town”) be changed so as to annex and include within the boundaries of the Town all that certain area of land therein identified as: Portions of five (5) parcels of real property consisting in the aggregate of 83.279 acres of land, more or less, contiguous and adjacent to the northern and eastern boundaries of the Town, and more particularly described as follows: Parcel 24, Tax Map 18, owned by DeMoss Lands, LLC; Parcel 57, Tax Map 18, owned by DeMoss Lands, LLC; Parcel 155, Tax Map 24, owned by DeMoss Lands, LLC; Parcel 52, Tax Map 24, owned by David Semans and Barbara Semans, and a portion of the former right-of-way of the Penn Central Railroad now owned by the State of Maryland to the use of the Maryland Department of Transportation (collectively, the “Annexation Properties”).

Town Residents asked Mr. DeMoss what his intentions were for the Annexation.

The Public Hearing was scheduled to be continued at the October 16, 2019 Commission meeting since the county has not had time to review it.

President Clough adjourned the Public Hearing and opened the Commission meeting at: 7:10pm.

Old Business: Minutes of the August 21, 2019 town meeting were presented. President Clough made a motion to approve the August 21, 2019 minutes as presented, which was seconded by Commissioner Ward. The Finance Report for August, 2019 was not available.

Trap Hill Ditch-Commissioner DeMoss announced that Ken Yoder had just finished cutting the Trap Hill Ditch for the Town. He charged $750.00

Sheriff’s Department– Not available.

Sewer Project-No activity.

Planning Commission-Mr. Sterling Walbert attended the meeting and expressed interest in becoming a member of the Barclay Planning Commission. A motion was made by President Clough and seconded by Mr. Ward to appoint Mr. Walbert to the Barclay Planning Commission. Town Manager swore him in.

Hazard Mitigation Plan-Town Manager, Virginia Albers introduced Resolution 19-01 Hazard Mitigation Plan. This would allow the Town of Barclay to receive state and Federal funding or assistance, should a natural disaster occur. President Clough made a motion to approve the plan as presented, which was seconded by Mr. Ward and approved.

Town Managers Report:

  1. Work in Town Office Wednesday Mornings or by appointment. Phone calls forwarded to my personal cell phone.
  2. Approve bills for Heather to pay. Sign checks.
  3. Codes Enforcement around town weekly. Verified ownership and wrote violation letters. Followed up on those still not in compliance.
  4. DeMoss/Seaman Annexation-Post an advertisement to re-schedule a hearing in the Record Observer for 1 week. Hearing re-scheduled for September 18th.
  5. Working with Town Attorney on how to proceed with next steps for DeMoss Annexation. Schedule a Planning Commission meeting for September 18, 2019.
  6. Court Date scheduled for September 19, 2019 codes violation -gathering information and sent all correspondence with the property owner to States Attorney’s office for review.
  7. Met with Kelly Kaiser from REEB to select a new copier that REEB is donating to the Town.  Copier delivered and was installed by Blaze-REEB’s IT Guy.
  8. Attended an Open House event at REEB-took a tour of the facility.
  9. Coordinated a Utilities workshop to be held at Barclay on September 18th. (CANCELED)
  10. September 13, 2019-attended a Records Retention Workshop in Centreville.
  11. Advertised and held a Townwide Yard Sale on September 14, 2019.

Next meeting is scheduled for: Wednesday, October 16, 2019.

Respectfully submitted, Virginia L. Albers